Brera Design District is a project of Studiolabo and it's a part of the Milano Design Network


Mediateca Santa Teresa, in via della Moscova 28, will be our headquarters and info- and mediapoint for the press during the Fuorisalone.

The restored Baroque church is the multimedia section of the Braidense National Library and represents a place of information and training, offering users a point of encounter and cultural debate, promotes events, seminars, round tables and presentations, receives proposals for training and information, participates, thanks to agreements with other bodies, in projects of promotion and cultural improvement.

It has recently signed a three-year agreement with the Friends of Mediatec Association for the production of a programme of events of a high cultural value: Visionica.


Visionica is the experimental incubator of cultural projects and events that the non-profit association Amici di Mediateca will be developing in the three-year period 2014-16 in cooperation with Mediateca Santa Teresa-Biblioteca Nazionale Braidense in its premises in via Moscova 28, Milan.

The Focus of Visionica is the multimedia as a factor in innovation in the creative exchange between Art, Science and Technology. A seasonal programme of events will be developed opening Mediateca Santa Teresa to the widest public and the freest use, enhancing and adding to its particular features, combining its programme with the offer of a public consultation service guaranteed by the Institute.

Mediateca di Santa Teresa
Via Moscova, 28

Mediateca di Santa Teresa
Via Moscova, 28
Brera Real Estate