Brera Design District is a project of Studiolabo and it's a part of the Milano Design Network

Official App for smartphones

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With Brera Design District App
you will have access to:

EVENTS LIST: all the events of Brera Design District project that take place during Milano Design Week organized by your position, with addresses to reach them and descriptions.

AUGMENTED MAPS: explore the events in aumented reality, focusing in the space around you with the camera of your smartphone, to be best oriented in the city. Rotate in horizontal position your mobile phone to view the events directly on map.

AUGMENTED REALITY CONTENTS: Take a copy of Brera Design District Journal that you will find in the infopoints and showrooms that take part to the project, focus with the camera of your smartphone the spots and discover special contents.

Development partner: Gmaps

G-maps è una software farm focalizzata sulla realizzazione di applicazioni per dispositivi mobili quali smartphone, tablet e wearable device come AR goggle e smartwatch.

G-maps è uno dei principali player italiani nell'ambito della realtà aumentata, e ha realizzato applicazioni per Vodafone Italia, ST Microelectronics, Loewe, e altri grandi brand internazionali.

Dal 2011 è partner di per il quale realizza l'app Brera District Design. G-maps è partner e developer certificato del più scaricato (38 milioni di download) browser AR Layar
Brera Real Estate